[Brown wax home recording of advertisement for the Vikings Remedy, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania].

Performers not given.
Release year:

Cylinder 13068

Brown wax cylinder.
Man speaks: "A key to health! The Vikings Remedy. Truth is mighty. Every bottle of this ancient remedy bears living testimony to its power and worth. It cures when doctors fail. Try it!" Another man, with a German accent, describes the medicine in English; then speaks in German, possibly in a palimpsest recording. At the end, the first man speaks again: "Were you aware of the fact that you were hearing the originator of the Vikings Remedy and also the manufacturer at Wilkes-Barre, P-A."
Sung in English.
The David Giovannoni Collection of home cylinder recordings (Set Number: 246-01).
Original Item Information:
Cylinder 13068